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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Applications of Computer

1. Education :
Computer can be used in education to help students in their study and teachers to organize and prepare their teaching materials. They collect required information from Internet in absence of books ,notes. They can use Internet to download tutorial, ebooks,note etc. Computers can be used to prepare marksheet,record of students and other purposes.

2. Health and Medical Field :
Computer can be used in health and medical field to help the doctors, nurses and technicians to diagnose patients diseases and remedies. Computers can help in keeping patient record, print reports. Hospitals are equipped with computerized equipment such as CT scene, Ultra Sound, Eye testing machines and other devices to process faster operation.

3. Bank :
Toady almost every bank is computerized and has digital system  which help to carry their work faster and smoother. Banking system uses servers, routers, work station, machines, ATM for keeping customers information, transactions,withdrawals,deposits from one branch to other.Due to Computerized system money deposited at one place can be withdraw at same time such as remittances.

4. Industry :
Computers at use in industry for various purpose. Such as keeping employee records, income and expenditure records, salary records,quality control of production, goods counting and controlling the product operation etc. Computer helps to automate production faster and Controlling quality.

5. Science and Technology :
Computer have been used in field of science  and technology for the research purposes, scientific analysis and invention scientist use for research and analysis of record and data.

6. Entertainment :
Computers are used for listening inspirational speech, watching tutorials, playing games and for other interactive purposes such as online videos, chat.

Types​ of Computer

Computer classified into 3 categories and accordingly classified. 1. According to signal used 2. According to usages 3. According to...