1. According to signal used
2. According to usages
3. According to speed and storage
2. According to usages
3. According to speed and storage
A. Analog Computer :
A analog computers refers to those computer which uses continuous input value as an input.
A analog computers refers to those computer which uses continuous input value as an input.
Characteristics of Analog Computers
√. It operates by measuring value.
√. It require physical analog value.
√. The output is usually represented in the form of graph.
√. All inputs are converted into electric signal and passed to process.
√. The accuracy of output is poor.
√. It has limited memory space.
√. It has limited application or usages.
√. The speed of an allow computer is low.
√. It require physical analog value.
√. The output is usually represented in the form of graph.
√. All inputs are converted into electric signal and passed to process.
√. The accuracy of output is poor.
√. It has limited memory space.
√. It has limited application or usages.
√. The speed of an allow computer is low.
B. Digital Computer :
Digital computer refer to those computers which operate discrete quantities or values. In computer, all type of inputs are converted to 0s and 1s which again are changed to electric pulses.
Characteristics of Digital Computers
√. It operates by counting values.
√. It function in discrete number.
√. The calculations converted into binary number 1 and 0.
√. It has better accuracy.
√. It has large memory space.
√. It versatile in nature. so, can perform various type task.
√. It has high processing speed.
√. It function in discrete number.
√. The calculations converted into binary number 1 and 0.
√. It has better accuracy.
√. It has large memory space.
√. It versatile in nature. so, can perform various type task.
√. It has high processing speed.