Computer is an electronic device which is capable of performing various operation such as arithmetical and logical operation. It is simple process the given input data and gives output processed data as an output. It can accepts thousands of instructions, data and can performed operation with highly accuracy. The input data can be of any format such as text , images , videos or any other format. Overall computer has 3 major operations ; take input, process and gives output.
The term data is used defined machine readable information from textual human readable information . A data can be a word , a character , any numeric value etc. A data can be of various types such as integers, floating, point number, character, strings and arrays.
The term data is used defined machine readable information from textual human readable information . A data can be a word , a character , any numeric value etc. A data can be of various types such as integers, floating, point number, character, strings and arrays.
Program is an organized collection or list of instruction that when executed causes the computer to give out desired output. A program consists of various types of value and instruction which is intended for specific purpose. Examples: MS Point, Notepad, Games etc.
Program is an organized collection or list of instruction that when executed causes the computer to give out desired output. A program consists of various types of value and instruction which is intended for specific purpose. Examples: MS Point, Notepad, Games etc.
Information is the part of data that has been processed in a meaningful manner that can be easily understand who read or received it. The information is a part of message which has different meaning in different context.
Information is the part of data that has been processed in a meaningful manner that can be easily understand who read or received it. The information is a part of message which has different meaning in different context.
Software is a collection of small programs that is used for specific purpose or for different work. Software can be as small as of few Kilo Bytes (KB) and large up to Giga Bytes. A software represented Computer institution or data.
Software can be classified into 2 types :-
1. System Software : Operating System, Firmware
2. Application Software : Antivirus, Notepad
Software is a collection of small programs that is used for specific purpose or for different work. Software can be as small as of few Kilo Bytes (KB) and large up to Giga Bytes. A software represented Computer institution or data.
Software can be classified into 2 types :-
1. System Software : Operating System, Firmware
2. Application Software : Antivirus, Notepad
Hardware can be defined as physical device which have physical shape and size. They are used as input and output device. Examples: Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor etc.
Hardware can be defined as physical device which have physical shape and size. They are used as input and output device. Examples: Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor etc.
A firmware is small program that embedded in a chip of any device. It is used to device (run/show) other information of device similarly. It can be used as interface to access the device. Example: BIOS (Basic Input Output System ) Software.
A firmware is small program that embedded in a chip of any device. It is used to device (run/show) other information of device similarly. It can be used as interface to access the device. Example: BIOS (Basic Input Output System ) Software.